Wednesday 18 December 2013

My current rant topic: E Cigarettes

Even the writing of the above “product” as a title offends me. For those who have managed to bypass the tsunami of people walking the streets/sitting on public transport/your favourite restaurant with what looks like a tiny musical flute sticking out of their mouth, e cigarettes are the new “cool” way to smoke.
They are advertised as being the best thing you can do for your health and from the sheer volume of marketing bumph surrounding them you would think they were some sort of miracle that purified even the finest mountain air.

In this blog post I will therefore attempt to work out
1)      What the hell they are
2)      What the hell is in them
3)      Why the hell people think it is acceptable to use them like a lollipop

The premise of the e cigarette is that it is supposedly a healthier alternative to regular cigarettes because they do not contain tobacco. This sounds all well and good as we know the damage that tobacco can cause – in particular reference to my area of “expertise” it can lead to a whole range of oral cancers which can involve not just the areas of your mouth visible when you yawn but a whole realm of other areas in the head and neck. Most brands of this device also claim that they do not contain tar. Another benefit of course unless of course you wish for your lungs to look like the surface of the M6.
They were primarily designed as an addition to the realms of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) alongside patches, gum, medication like Champix etc and therefore used to cut down smoking.
All of this sounds very positive, so much so that one lady who switched to using a certain brand of the e cigarette to write the poem below:

No more cigarettes for me
What could I do, I liked the taste
Went to e-cigarette with much haste
Cigarettes without the bad bits
Made it easy to kick the habit
They come in lots of different flavours
For me to try and quickly savour
The prices are great
Delivery is never late
So give Smokers Angel a go
And try their range of Halo

Now that is quite a gushing testimonial. Similarly, the woman below appears extremely pleased with her e cigarette. It has even managed to get her a gentleman willing to photobomb her holiday snaps.  What could possibly be so bad.


On that note, let’s see if we can find any information at all about what is in them. Now trust me, I spent a good few hours trying to research this and the only thing I consistently came across was marketing BS. So I turned to the BMA (as I so often do)

What are they?

“E-cigarettes are battery-powered products designed to replicate smoking behaviour without the use of tobacco – some look like conventional cigarettes, while others appear more like an electronic device”  They consist of a cartridge containing liquid nicotine, an atomiser (heating element), a rechargeable battery, and electronics.

E-cigarettes have been marketed as cheap and healthier alternatives to cigarettes as well as to look and feel like cigarettes for use in places where smoking is not permitted since they do not produce  smoke. E-cigarettes are products operated by a single use or rechargeable battery that heats a liquid based solution (often containing nicotine) into a vapour. This is then inhaled by the user, simulating the effect of cigarette smoking.

They are primarily used (apparently) as a means to quit smoking and therefore the major studies conducted on e-cigarettes have analysed nicotine content, as addiction to this apparently why people cannot quit smoking. “An analysis of the total level of nicotine generated by e-cigarettes which vaporise nicotine effectively found that the amount inhaled from 15 puffs was lower compared with smoking a conventional cigarette”. Please note the extremely vague wording used by the usually extremely un-vague British Medical Association. Another study analysed sixteen e-cigarette brands and found the total level of nicotine in vapour generated by 20 series of 15 puffs varied from 0.5 to 15.4 mg. Again, there is no regulation, nor any standard or reproducible results that can be produced from e cigarette testing.

In 2009, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released results of an analysis of some e-cigarette product, it showed that the tested e-cigarette cartridges contained carcinogens and toxic chemicals. Analysis of two leading brands by the FDA also revealed:
  • diethylene glycol (a toxic chemical) in one cartridge at approximately 1%
  • tobacco-specific nitrosamines (which are human carcinogens) in half of the samples
  •  tobacco-specific impurities suspected of being harmful to humans (anabasine, myosmine, and ßnicotyrine) in a majority of the samples

The tests also suggested that quality control was inconsistent or non-existent:

  • cartridges with the same label emitted a markedly different amount of nicotine with each puff
  • one high-nicotine cartridge delivered twice the amount of nicotine compared to a nicotine inhalation product approved by the FDA.

 i.e. the biggest food and drug regulatory body in the world cannot conclusively say that is in the products or what they give out.

See next subheading.

E cigarettes – the new enemy?

Whilst I absolutely cannot deny that any improvement on smoking normal cigarettes is beneficial to health in general and therefore oral health, e cigarettes are a dangerous realm to enter into.
The reason they are cheaper is because they are not taxed in the same way as regular cigarettes. Hurray, I hear you shout. Sadly, these taxes pay my wages in the NHS, they also put people off smoking because it makes it so darn expensive. Without this deterent what is to stop people continuing to pump dangerous chemicals into their bodies. Similarly, they are not regulated in the same way as normal cigarettes. For cigarettes to be sold they have to go through rigorous quality control, the same does not apply for e cigarettes. Due to this, we have absolutely no clue what is in them.
All that can be said is that they are not licensed as a medicine in the UK, and there is no peer-reviewed evidence that they are safe or effective for the purpose of helping to cut down smoking, as a “healthier” alternative to smoking or in fact any other reason except making you look like you’re smoking a marker pen.

The World Health Organisation document (which is 50 pages long I might add); WHO STUDY GROUP ON TOBACCO PRODUCT REGULATION raises further concern about the use of these products as nicotine replacement therapy. “Delivery of nicotine to the lung raises concern about safety and addiction that go beyond that related to currently approved NRT, concern…is associated with the probable exposure of the lung to repeated dosing, perhaps hundreds of times a day for many months, if these products are used as a smoking cessation aid, or for years, for smokers who use them as long-term cigarette substitutes”. That is to say, the delivery of nicotine directly to the lungs has never before been studied, and whilst manufacturers get away with using certain chemicals in e-cigarettes because they approved for human consumption, we have no idea of the effect they have when inhaled.

Most people who purchase and use e-cigarettes claim they do so as a means to cut down on smoking i.e. smoking cessation, instead of things like patches, gum and so on. Sadly, the World Health Organisation(WHO) who govern most of what we do in terms of medication, health choices, prevention etc state that “as of July 2013, the efficacy in using electronic cigarettes to aid in smoking cessation has not been demonstrated scientifically”. They tend to err on the side of caution as they are such a huge body of people of differing backgrounds and motivations that having a strong unified opinion on something is a difficult task. However, so unified was their opinion in this case that they recommend "consumers should be strongly advised not to use" electronic cigarettes until a reputable national regulatory body has found them safe and effective”. Nuff said.

The British Medical Association have also been forced to offer up an opinion on the damn things and their summary is not much more positive than the WHO. They state that “four out of five e-cigarette users continue smoking, and use e-cigarettes primarily as a substitute where smoking is not allowed” thus completely defeating the object of switching to e-cigarettes for a smoking cessation purpose. Again, the BMA agree, expressing their concern that e-cigarettes may undermine smoking prevention and cessation, as their use is likely to reinforce the normalcy of the smoking behaviour”.
This normalcy was nicely illustrated just last week when I walked past a patient sitting IN THE DENTAL HOSPITAL WAITING ROOM smoking one of these devices, regarding me with confusion at my anger with her behaviour. Similarly, the fact that the e cigarettes are generally quite aesthetically pleasing and gadgetty-looking means that people are far more likely to openly smoke them, and thus consume more nicotine than they would should they smoke their normal cigarettes, thus negating the intended purpose of switching.

Our Australian cousins also echo this. “Other unintended consequences of e-cigarette use include the potential to induce nicotine addiction in non- smokers or maintain addiction in current smokers who might otherwise quit. Furthermore, concerns have been raised that e-cigarettes may undermine the comprehensive indoor  smoking restrictions and smokefree air policies” and making it generally acceptable for people to be seen smoking after years of hard work aiming to make them feel as embarrassed about smoking in public as public urination – people still do it but its few and far between, although maybe I grace the wrong areas of town at the wrong time of night.

The National Institute for Health Care and Excellence (NICE) recently published new public health guidance backing the use of licensed nicotine products to help people cut down as well as stop smoking. However, these guidelines did not cover e-cigarettes. Again, without having to say it, I imagine several suited men sitting round a table and laughing at the concept of e-cigarettes even being considered in this category of something that they would advise or recommend as something of health benefit.

Now of course, I cannot complete an analysis of the use of this product without referring to the superpowers of the USA – namely the Food and Drug Administration department (FDA). They basically regulate everything that is consumed, injected or applied by our friend across the pond and thus you could argue, have probably become fairly used to seeing products come and go, and are unlikely to have any emotional response related to items they are asked to assess. So strongly therefore did the FDA feel about e cigarettes that way back in 2010 long before the e cigarette phenomenon reached our shores, they issued warning letters to a grand total of 5 electronic cigarette distributors for various violations of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) including unsubstantiated claims and poor manufacturing practices. What is more worrying is that the FDA only regulates products intended for therapeutic use i.e. as a nicotine replacement therapy, and therefore, if a company decides to purely register their e cigarette product as recreational, or a hobby based item, then it completely negates all regulation by any drug agencies. Still fancy puffing away on one of them?

Dental Impact

What most people don’t consider is the effect that smoking has on their mouth. Whilst smoking e cigarettes should technically reduce risk of oral cancer, the presence of carcinogens in most of the leading brand’s e cigarettes negates this benefit. Similarly, the main causative factor of smoking related gum disease is nicotine. As the e cigarettes are rammed with the stuff, they offer no benefit in terms of “the leading cause of tooth loss” (thanks Corsodyl). That is to say, puffing away on your e-cigarette is just as harmful to your gums as smoking regular cigarettes and so your path on the road to dentures is just as speedy. In fact the WHO state that 90% of the nicotine that people smoking e-cigarettes are so desperate to get into their lungs, is actually deposited in the mouth.

In Summary.

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency in the United Kingdom reported that it planned to regulate e-cigarettes as medicines from 2016 when new European tobacco laws come into force so until then, it remains that we have no idea what e-cigarettes are. In my mind, used as a nicotine replacement therapy, i.e. to smoke less and less over a set period until smoking has been stopped, completely, is fine, so long as they smoke it miles away from me, not around children, and that the whole thing stops being glamorised.

What I trawled through in order to write this blog:

BMA, E-cigarettes in public places and workplaces A briefing from the BMA Occupational Medicine Committee and the Board of Science, March 2012
BMA calls for stronger regulation of e-cigarettes
March 2012 (updated January 2013) A briefing from the Board of Science and the Occupational Medicine Committee